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Partnerships with foundations

The vast majority of our organization’s work is funded by public-benefit foundations in Greece and abroad. Their contribution goes beyond financial support, as very often our partners provide us with valuable advice and know-how, with our joint vision for the protection of the environment and the climate in mind.

MAVA Foundation

The MAVA Foundation is a public benefit foundation that supports environmental protection actions. It has been at our side since the very beginning of our organisation in 1991. It is our greatest ally, steadily supporting us in good and difficult times.
Since 2002, it has supported our actions with a total of more than €14 million.

AG. Leventis Foundation

The Leventis Foundation was established in 1979 as a result of the aspirations of Anastasios G. Leventis, with the bases of its focus on society, education, culture and environmental protection.
The foundation was one of the three main funders of ‘The Future of Forests’ programme that WWF Greece implemented from 2008 to 2012, and since 2002 it has steadily supported the implementation of all our organisation’s actions for the protection of the environment.

European Climate Foundation

The European Climate Foundation (ECF) is a public benefit foundation that supports programmes to reduce climate change. In that framework, since 2013 it has supported our programmes and actions for the development of a low carbon emission society and for mitigating climate change.
In 2019, it supported 3 different projects in that framework, for the promotion of renewable energy sources and gradual independence from lignite, as well as actions supporting policies for a carbon-free society.

Fondation Segre

The Segré Foundation aims to help protect our planet’s biodiversity and restore degraded ecosystems.
Since 2018, it has co-funded the programme for the effective monitoring and guarding of Gyaros, MPA which we have been implementing with the competent authorities in a follow-up to the ‘Cyclades LIFE’ programme.

CML Foundation

The Costas M. Lemos Foundation is a family foundation based in the United Kingdom. It supports environmental and humanitarian actions in Greece and all over the world.
Since 2018, it has co-funded the Fisheries Improvement Project that aims at bringing purse seiner fleet in Kavala, at MSC certification level.

Cyclades Preservation Fund

The Cyclades Preservation Fund, a charitable organisation established in 2017 in the United Kingdom, has been set up to help preserving Cyclades islands’ natural resources and to contribute to local wellbeing and prosperity.
Since 2018, it has co-funded the empowerment of the Gyaros Marine Protected Area Co-Management Committee and its members' efforts, so that this committee may act as an advisory instrument to the Protected Cyclades Area Management Agency.

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation was established in 2006 with a mission to protect the environment and promote sustainable growth on a global scale.
It has been at our side since 2013 and was the co-funder of the ‘Cyclades LIFE’ European programme that was completed in March 2018, which aimed to establish a unique marine protected area on the island of Gyaros that will provide benefits for both people and nature.
Since 2018, it has co-funded the effective monitoring and protection programme of Gyaros that is being implemented by our organisation in partnership with the competent authorities in a follow-up to the ‘Cyclades LIFE’ programme, while in 2019, the Foundation also supported the implementation of the 5th ‘International Conference on Marine Mammal Protected Areas’.

OAK Foundation

The OAK foundation was formally established in 1983 and it supports international environmental and humanitarian actions. Its environmental programme focuses on mitigating climate change, protecting the marine environment, protecting wildlife and combating illegal wildlife trade.
Since autumn 2018, it has supported the implementation of our organisation’s campaign against new hydrocarbon explorations and exploitations in Greece.

Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos

The Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation is a charitable non-profit private foundation that aims to establish Messinia as a model for sustainable development.
In 2019, the Foundation supported the implementation of the 5th ‘International Conference on Marine Mammal Protected Areas’, which was held in Messinia while in 2020 co-funded the new program in the Hellenic Trench, which aims to reduce the interaction of the shipping industry with cetacean in the area.

Marisla Foundation

Marisla Foundation is a private, non-operating charitable institution. Its environment programme concentrates on activities that promote the conservation of biodiversity and advance sustainable ecosystem management.
In 2019, the Foundation supported the implementation of a targeted congress on Vaquita, one of the rarest sea mammals, very similar to dolphins, in the framework of the 5th ‘International Conference on Marine Mammal Protected Areas’.

John S. Latsis Foundation

The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation financially supports and implements initiatives that aim to respond more effectively to current social needs, in collaboration with civil society organisations having the necessary know-how and sharing a common vision as regards the shaping of a more resilient, modern and inclusive society.

The Foundation was one of the three main funders of ‘The Future of Forests’ programme implemented by WWF Greece from 2008 to 2012, while it also supported part of the operation of Oikoskopio, the online portal for the environment we created in the framework of that programme.
It also co-funded the ‘Better Life’ initiative from 2016 until its completion.

Athina I. Martinou Foundation

The Athena I. Martinou Foundation was founded in 2021 with the aim of strengthening non-profit organizations operating in Greece. The Foundation makes donations in the fields of social welfare, health, education, culture and environment. It is a public benefit organization that, in addition to its nationwide scope and cross-sectoral coverage, emphasizes issues related to the sea.

The Foundation supports the program "Ensuring the sustainability of the Marine Protected Area of ​​Gyaros through surveillance, policy and awareness actions" for the period April 2021 - August 2022.

Stavros Niarchos Foundation

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation is one of the largest private charity organisations in the world.
The foundation was a major donor of the ‘Better Life’ programme from 2012 until its completion.

Officer: Sophia Koukoulaki