The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Birds singing, insects buzzing, waterfalls and trees, a beautiful and tranquil terrestrial environment; after all forests and forest areas cover almost half of Greece. Threats to the world’s forests are growing, while in our country wildfires seem to be the most alarming. Every year, a mean of 534 square kilometers are burned, with irreversible damage to nature and human life.
In WWF Greece we focus on fire prevention, we empower citizens through knowledge and propose solutions for overall fire management. Even though prevention is the most effective way to protect our forests, the national forest fire protection system is focused on suppression.
Greece’s wetlands
One might wonder: “What exactly do wetlands have to do with WWF’s work on forests?” The fact of the matter is that we have always treated our land-based environment as a whole, since in the balance of nature every piece of the puzzle has its own important role to play. Having played a decisive role in the passing of the 2012 Presidential Decree that places Greece’s island wetlands under protection, today we are spreading our knowledge on matters that have to do with registering and protecting Mediterranean wetlands. All of these efforts aim at the harmonious coexistence of people and nature. The protection and preservation of animals and plants, as well as all the “natural ingredients” that compose what we call Greek nature, are our obligation and debt to the next generations.
Find out more about our work here.
Humans are responsible for 90% of wildfires.
In the 20th century, Greece’s wetlands were reduced by 60%.
By 2100 we will have an additional 30 days on which there is a high danger of fire due to climate change.
This is the reason why we focus our efforts to communicate, raising awareness and advocacy to improve fire prevention measures. We have also started a public dialogue on fire economics by researching how the state funds are allocated, in order to strengthen transparency and accountability in funding, in partnership with the Mediterranean Institute for Investigative Reporting (MIIR), a programme implemented in the framework of the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants.