© Chris Ratcliffe WWF-UK
Environmental Education

Welcome to our environmental education "playroom"! The educational material you will find here is directed to teachers, educators and youth workers that are interested in raising awareness in clildren and youth on important environmental issues. Our material that is available in english is still limited, but you are welcome to explore the educational resources of our fellow WWF offices in the UK, USA, Canada and India ,amongst others, that are available in english. 
The resources you will find here are designed to be used in the classroom but also in all learning environments. You will find presentations, detailed worksheets, descriptions of educational programmes as well as an online game. You can adapt it to the age and learning needs of your own pupils.
Our philosophy is less theory, more hands-on experience and even more action! Kids are already familiar with most environmental issues. The challenge we are facing is bridging the gap from knowledge to behaviour change and action. So most of our material will call pupils to undertake actions inside and outside their schools. 
WWF Greece's environmental education team will continue to keep you up to date via the  monthly Teachers' Panda Newsletter (you can enroll here) and the Panda Teachers facebook educators group.

Eat4Change: Eating 2 save the planet!

The “Eat4Change: Mobilising youth for sustainable diets” programme is addressed to educators who want to support young learners to become active citizens on climate change and biodiversity through the adoption of a sustainable diet. Personal behaviour change and taking action to influence their peers are the two key desired outcomes of the recommended process.

After a quick survey on the nutritional habits of youth, educators explain the issue and help their pupils discover the skills that will help them become changemakers. Those who are interested form a team that will take action for sustainable diets in the school community. Their actions must aim to change the behaviour and not simply raise the awareness of their peers.  

Τhe Eat4Change programme is funded by the European Union. Its publications' contents are the sole responsibility of WWF Greece and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. 

The Picnic Basket

«The Picnic Basket» is an innovative education programme on food and the environment that aims at the adoption of a healthy sustainable diet for schoolchildren, starting with school snacks. Under normal conditions it is on loan from our offices but due to covid restrictions its physical journey is temporarily on hold. You may however play with its imaginary cousin, a digital counterpart, adapted to both synchronous and asynchronous learning. You may download all the necessary files, playcards, instructions, etc. from here. Read the description file and the booklet first to understand the steps of the programme. If you wish to measure the change in your pupils dietary habits please use the questionnaires provided:
Teachers' Questionnaire before the start of the Picnic Basket programme
Teachers' Questionnaire mid term
Teachers' Questionnaire at the end of the school year
Parents' Questionnaire before the start of the Picnic Basket programme
Parents' Questionnaire at the end of the school year
Don't forget to let us know you are participating so that we can measure the impact - send an email to Nancy Coutava, n.coutava@wwf.gr

Around the world in 80 questions

"Around the world in 80 questions" is a modern, online knowledge game for both children and adults, although its target group is mainly children and adolescents aged 8-15. Pupils, playing solo or in groups, study the unique characteristics of each of the three regions covered (Thrace, Cyclades, Attica). The material, as in all our games, draws on the experience and the programs of WWF Greece.

"Around the world in 80 questions" was developed with the collaboration of the scientific team of CoSyLLab (Computer Supported Learning Engineering Lab) at the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus and the funding of WWF Netherlands.